Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Vee Streak

Being stuck inside on a rainy day, i decided to dig out my old Sigma macro lens and have a bit of fun with some H20 and a compact disc.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Little Abandoned Home

This abandoned little house is on the same road as the house i posted earlier in the week.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Once Home....Now Decayed

Been eyeing off this abandoned house on the way to work over the last few weeks. Finished early today went home grabbed the camera and set off and took these-

Friday, April 9, 2010

Abandoned Mental Asylum

The Abandoned Wolston Mental Asylum

This facility dates back to around 1880 and is now abandoned since it shut down many many years ago.
Now this facility has around 10 buildings in total, over the years this place has had thousands of patients, all suffering from one from of metal illness or another.
There is almost no information about this facilities history on the net, only storeys and rumours.

From what ive read and heard about this place, its history is nothing to be proud of, many patients here received shock therapy, ice baths, consolatory confinement, experimental medicines etc… and were treated very badly, many people died here from suicide or other causes, and were buried in a cemetery with graves only marked by one letter and one number ( eg. D6 etc…)

You could used to be able to go inside the buildings, but its all boarded up pretty good now and only a few rooms can be accessed.
A lot of people who have visited this dark place said that they have seen ghosts, had cold chills, heard voices and seen faces in the windows. Whilst I was there I didn’t experience any of this, except something strange happened and can not explain it, my lens fogged up quite badly when I was walking around the women’s building, and then cleared up rather quickly.

Other than that a few kangaroos surprised the hell out of me by jumping out in front of me from bushes. This place is full of kangaroo’s, they were not at all impressed by me wandering around.

Anyway here are the pics-

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Abandoned Train Tanker Yard.

I spent Easter Saturday (yesterday) at my in-law's and got out for a bit and took this opportunity

to explore this abandoned train tanker yard near by.